Well, way back in July sometime we went to the Aquarium in Sandy. They have penguins and since we missed them at the zoo we promised Jordan we would take him to see them there. We rode down to Bountiful with Benji on a day where he only worked half the day. I don't remember what we did in the morning, but then in the afternoon we drove to the aquarium. We had a good time.
We spent a long time looking at the penguins. Little known fact: Penguins are one of my favorite animals. Jordan and I have a lot in common. They were fun to watch swim by in the water, they were fast!
I loved the octopus!
I know Sam was having a great time because by the time we were getting ready to go he was crawling, wiggling, and walking like every animal he saw.
He would announce, "I a fish."
Or, "I a crocodile!"
Here they all are walking like penguins!
So as much as Jordan loves penguins this pretend boat was his favorite thing they had there.
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