Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dinner Time

The other night my boys were so entertained by the "volcano" (boiling potatoes) in our kitchen they sat at the table and watched the whole time I made dinner.
Then for Halloween we had a fun dinner cooked in a pumpkin. I think we'll make it a tradition, but I'll have to remember not to get such a huge pumpkin. I had to cut off the stem so it could barely squeeze into my oven.
Then when we were done eating the dinner my boys were delighted when I carved a face into the brown, droopy pumpkin (they're a little obsessed with jack-o-lanterns right now).But then they both cried and cried when I threw the pumpkin away. So maybe we won't carve it next year.

1 comment:

Kelsey Deklerk said...

their faces in that picture are priceless! love it!