Monday, March 14, 2011

My birthday

It's taken me a long time to post these pictures, but it was my birthday in February.

I decided to do my hair for my birthday, but it ended up raining that day, so once we got to the restaurant it was a frizzy mess, but it was fun for a few hours.

My mom stopped by to watch my boys while we went to eat at the Olive Garden in Ogden. First we opened presents:

My boys insisted on helping:

Sam was so excited about my new coat he lifted it out of the box to show everyone:

Getting ready to go to the restaurant. Yay for being 27! (And having a sled right behind me.)

My husband being adorable for the camera:

And with his food:

With my food:

And my awesome cake:

I had a great birthday!


Kelsey Deklerk said...

You look HOT!

Doran & Jody said...

Oh Happy Birthday you cutie!

Who took your family picture?

Can you change or add my other e-mail?

I use gmail for our new blog.

Ali said...

happy birthday! you look gorgeous! you've always had great hair. It's so long now! Glad you had a fun birthday.

And I think Frankie is Franklin the turtle??? The rides Jordan went on look kind of creepy. :)