Unlike my sweet nephew who hardly said anything before he could say complete sentences, Jordan tries (and usually fails) to say whatever he can. I probably miss a lot of the words he is trying to say, but sometimes he will point to a picture and say the word or say a word that we have been repeating over and over. It's like he's developed his own little language only understood by Benji and me. For example, today he got way excited and started laughing and bouncing. He pointed to a butterfly and said, "bud-tee."
Some of the other words he says that would fly under our radar if he didn't point are:
tees (teeth)
tu tu (choo-choo, which means train)
ishhhhh (fish)
bi (bike)
ck-ck (clock)
baa (bath)
ba-skeet (basketball, although he has said this right a few times)
bah (ball)
beh (bear)
wa-dees (what is this?)
jews (this could mean shoes, juice, or Jesus depending on where he's pointing)
We sure are proud of him for trying!
7 years ago
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