Jordan and I have been confined to our house for a few days, and have a few more to go. Jordan has a contagious viral infection called Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Basically, he is covered in a rash.
Luckily, he hasn't had a fever, and he doesn't have a rash or blisters in his mouth, and the rash on his body doesn't seem to bother him too much. We've been giving him Tylenol and lots of rest.
I didn't think we would miss our daily trip to the store, or pool, but Jordan has been getting pretty restless. We've been having a lot of dance parties and basketball games to pass the time, but it doesn't seem to be enough for adventurous, social Jordan. If any of you have ideas for fun games to play with toddlers, please leave a comment. We still have a few days before the rash goes away, and until he isn't contagious anymore. It's been fun to come up with new games to pass the time, but we're running out of ideas. Yikes!
okay, that rash is way worse than eli's. ya, definately not just irritation from the kiddie pools at the dental party! poor little guy, but glad he doesn't seem too bothered by it. we're still pretty much rash free, so hopefully hailey missed out on this one! knock on wood. bummer!
Did you go to the doctor? I don't know if that is hand whatever. Eli's is different than Ethan's (which I just found out yesterday was misdiagnosed) and Lindsay said it looked like Fifth's disease because his cheeks were all red. So were Hailey's. Are Jordan's cheeks all red? I suppose I could ask a doctor rather than solve this mystery by myself, but isn't it fun?
Oh man! I hate when little ones get sick. Does he like bubbles? Lincoln and Daniel love it when I let them stand on a chair and play in a kitchen sink full of suds. Hmmm... or maybe finger painting with pudding? Collages with contact paper are fun too. You don't have to bother with the mess of glue and he can have fun tearing pictures out of magazines and sticking them on (or feathers or sequins or even toilet paper)...
Get well soon!
Thanks Steph! Those are all good ideas! I'm going to use them all.
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