Friday, January 29, 2010

A trip down memory lane

Jordan said goodbye to a good friend and favorite toy the other day. His Aggie basketball hoop broke, and we finally threw it away, but not before getting some final pictures of Jordan posing with it.

Benji bought this hoop while attending Utah State 6 or so years ago. We had it hanging on our door in California, and when Jordan was a baby we found that if he was crying he would immediately stop if Benji held him and shot hoops. We believe this is where Jordan's love of basketball started. Once the kid could walk he almost always had that Utah State basketball in his hands. He spent hours upon hours shooting hoops. Not only was it a good toy, this basketball hoop helped Jordan through some tough patches in his life too. When Sam was born Jordan moved the hoop into his room and played harder and with more concentration than I have ever seen. He wouldn't let us come in the room to watch, he just needed alone time with his constant companion in a world that was crashing down with change. So, farewell Big Blue, you will be missed.

1 comment:

A.G. Hadfield said...

fun memories! the day you guys moved up here, pulled in with the big truck - he shot hoops for about 90 min. straight non-stop while you guys slept!