So on to Dewey. He's our new cat!! We got him last Monday and he is such a patient, cute kitten. That is coming from someone who doesn't really like cats. I do, but I don't. I'm more of a dog person. Anyway, we told Jordan awhile ago that we were going to get a dog soon and he said, "NO!" (he's scared of dogs). He then said, "how about we get a cat?" We thought that was a fair compromise and maybe it would help him get used to animals so he's not afraid of them anymore.

We brought Dewey home and I wish, I wish, oh how I wish I had a video of Jordan and Sam's reaction to that kitten. They were so excited, happy and loved him immediately. They poked him and pet him and held him and Dewey was so so good. He really is the perfect kitten for two toddlers, who, even though they try to be gentle, just aren't.So we went outside to show Dewey his cute little house Benji made for him and we put him down, watched him go in his house and then he got spooked and ran! We didn't think he would be so dang fast and we didn't think he would fit under our fence, but he did. Benji chased after him into the front yard, but by the time he made it there, Dewey was no where to be found. We only had him for 15 minutes. Bad, bad pet owners. Bad. And sad. And kind of embarassed. It must have been a world record for losing a new pet.
Anyway, after searching the neighborhood for 2.5 hours we gave up. I knew it was pretty useless anyway because he was probably hiding where nobody could see him, but we looked anyway, and called his name (that he didn't know) loudly (with voices he didn't recognize).
Later that night, Benji and I were talking when we heard a loud sound from the garage. I think I even said, "that sounds like a kitten." Duh. So we went on a kitten hunt in our garage and found him. I was so happy! Really, lets be honest, I was really happy I didn't have to tell everyone I lost our kitty after 15 minutes, but I was happy we had him back.
(This is a lot longer than I planned, I sure am showing blogger, aren't I!?)
The boys love him and it's so cute to see Sam lean his body over so his face is inches from Dewey's and hear him yell, "Hi Deeewey!" I've already taken quite a few pictures of him, and Benji tells me I'm already turning into a crazy cat lady, but how can you not turn into a cat lady when you see this. Awwwwww.....
Crazy cat lady looks good on you just need a few more cats!
Ah...I LOVE kittens! They are so squishy and huggable. Just like a new baby.
Glad you found him. I sure would hate to call PETA on Benji.
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