(Don't mind the title. Unless you are Mindy, of course!) :)
Jordan is obsessed with fireworks lately, which is actually kind of funny because he hated them 2 months ago. He used to be terrified if we even said the word "firework" But now he loves them.
Lately, he's been doing firework shows with his hands. It's hilarious. He gets really into it with sound effects and actions. This is just a sample of one of the shows. Usually he turns off all the lights and they last 10 minutes! :)
Now here are some of our County Fair pictures and videos.
Jordan was so excited that he was tall enough to ride the roller coaster. He had so much fun, but he always looks so serious on the rides!
Jordan was excited about the spaceship ride and especially that he got to go on a ride all by himself.
Every time he went around he would say hi to us, but then he got disoriented and couldn't find us
Sam just got thrown in the air, but he enjoyed that more than the rides.
and started crying and trying to bail. I'm so happy he did that before the ride started!
Beyond happy!! Thank you! P.s. I laughed outloud at the fireworks! Hahaha!
Haha! Love the videos of Jordan! What a fun night!
p.s. (I'm writing this from my ipod right now) I feel cool
p.s. (I'm writing this from my ipod right now) I feel cool
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