Sunday, June 14, 2009

Social Butterfly

Sam has started smiling and "talking" more this week. I love his goofy toothless grins and I act like a goon to get him to smile at me. I've been trying to get one good picture of him smiling and it has been so frustrating!!

I am either too slow with the shot and end up with a "slightly amused" look on his face.
Or because I'm too fast it isn't in focus (or focused on the couch).
And once I ended up with this masterpiece....

It's hilarious....

but it doesn't look like Sam.....

nothing like him.....

But get ready to laugh anyway.......


Janae Moss said...

I my goodness :) The cutest thing EVER! You must have at least 6 kids because they are darling. You are such a great mommy!

Camille and Paul said...

Oh man! That is hilarious! He is the chubbiest cutest little baby. I want to squeeze and kiss him! :)