Friday, December 9, 2011

My crazy boys

My boys have been getting along so well lately. I love that they haven't been jealous of Hannah for taking so much of my time, and they seem like they are adapting well to us staying home all the time. They are super sweet and so funny, I love them both so much.

Here's a sweet picture of Jordan holding Hannah. I love that they love her so much!!

 A few minutes later Sam came in sporting a new hair accessory. And so proud of it too.

The other night we made crazy hair while shampooing their hair. Jordan's was angry bird hair.

I gave Sam a mohawk, but he liked to think he had "shark hair."

This happens every time Benji gets home from work, but this day made me laugh because they were fighting so hard for Benji's attention.  Sam climbed all over Benji while Jordan tried his hardest to tell him about angry birds.

Our couches have a lot of static lately, so it's funny to see how crazy Sam and Jordan's hair look after sitting on it. Sam's was extra crazy that day.

But Benji decided to make it crazier by rubbing Sam's hair all over the couch.


Another funny story. My boys were playing so nicely together one morning, and were having a lot of fun. I decided to find out what they were doing. They were throwing a birthday party for one of the wise men. Like a wise man from the nativity. They were bringing gifts for the wise man and kept referring to him as Mr. Wise Man. It was so cute and so funny, but unfortunately both boys were completely naked, so I didn't take any pictures.

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