My dad's sister lives there and we go there every year on the 4th to play and celebrate. There's always a lot of different fun things to do and we always make a float to be in the parade! This was J0rdan's first year in the parade and he loved it.
Anyway, we had to first make the 4 hour drive there. Here my kids are in Aurora, Utah for a quick little running break. We actually were changing Jordan into a pull-up because there aren't any gas stations from there to Koosharem and we didn't want him having an accident.
Just as we suspected about 10 minutes before getting to Koosharem Jordan announced from the back seat, "I need to poop!" We asked if he could hold it and he said yes, followed by a lot of groans that soon turned into crying. He didn't want to poop his pants and he said he couldn't make it so we pulled over and Jordan pooped on the side of the road....right here.
We got to Koosharem pretty late so we set up camp and the boys fell asleep after saying hello to everyone.
The next day we were up bright and early for a pancake breakfast and then we decorated the float and it was time for the parade.
The theme was "I'm proud to be an American" so our float said, "I'm proud to be an American from sea to shining sea." Each person represented a different state. Jordan was Rhode Island because he was the smallest.
Here's one side
And the other
I was so proud of Jordan he waved the entire time
You gotta love small town parades!
You also gotta love small town transportation. (Yes, there are four men on that 4-wheeler)
The rest of the day was spent shooting guns, fishing, throwing rocks in this canal,
Riding horses (look at my cute cowboy!),
going for 4-wheeler rides
going for rides in the Rhino,

petting animals,
and having fun!
Here are my boys cute patriotic shirts
And here's just a random picture of me and Sam. Not the cutest picture of me, but for some reason I uploaded it--so it's staying.
The end.
THIS looks like a TON of fun....well except for the side of the road 'stop'.
You are too adorable. Seriously, you don't look old enough to be a mama! :)
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