The boys enjoyed jumping on the beds.
And Jordan loved having his own huge bed to sleep in.
I don't know how Sam felt about sleeping in a crib that was tucked away in the bathroom, but he slept well.
Friday just so happened to be Benji's birthday. I feel bad because he spent his birthday driving, then when we went out for his birthday dinner the boys were so sick of sitting and were trying to run around the restaurant so I ended up taking them back to the hotel room and Benji finished his dinner alone. Then later that night when the boys were sleeping I walked to the 7-11 that was right next to our hotel and picked up some Zingers and matches so Benji could at least have a cake.
The next day we enjoyed more bed jumping.
Coolest picture of my hair...ever.
Jordan absolutely adored the hot tub. He still talks about it. He would just sit on that ledge and do nothing, but he still loved it.
Sam loved walking around the little courtyard they had outside our room. Jordan loved that we had a "backyard".
Since we were in a place called Park City, Jordan just assumed we would be playing at a playground some time on our trip. So the next day we got some lunch and took it to a park and then played for a little while.
When I told Jordan I was going to take a picture of him he pulled this face. My boys aren't used to the fact that the camera is attached to my face yet. You think with all the pictures I take they would just walk around posing for my dreams, I guess. :)
We went on the Alpine Coaster the next day and it was a blast. It's a lot like the Alpine Slide, but you are in a cart that is attached to the track. We felt it would be safer to take Jordan on something that wouldn't go flying off the track. We are so proud that our scared, timid Jordan was brave enough to go on the roller coaster AND that he had so much fun.
My favorite part of the ride was the ride up to the top, it was so relaxing to sit in a slow moving cart up the beautiful mountain side. When we get to the top you have the control over how fast you go--and these things go fast! I was even scared a few times going around the corners, so I'm even more proud of Jordan for being so brave.
You have to go to a park in Park City...ha ha...
Your hair is sooo thick and healthy and LONG. I am sooooo jealous. :)
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